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Dear Mom..

Somehow it’s kinda hard to understand you. You are the greatest person on earth that I ever know. You are the prettiest woman that I know. You’re the strongest person that ever lived in my world. You are the best. But sometimes, I misunderstand you and you misunderstand me. I don’t know why, but I guess it happen naturally between mother and daughter. You call me sarcastic, I call you sensitive. You tell me that I am an angry girl and I cannot tell you that you actually a sharp mouth one. In my opinion, sometimes you order me, not telling me. But you tell the opposites. See? We are different in many ways of thinking. You tell me this and that, but I cannot tell this and that to you because I know that you are going to be hurt. And I don’t want that happen; it’s a sin. Because if I hurt you, I hurt Him too.

If you say that I got bored for staying at this house for the rest of the holiday, you wrong. I will not because my family is here. Dad who talks sharp just like you but is funny as hell. My brother who actually ignores me in many time and I really want to punch his face for so many times, but he is the only one that I can share my fashion sense and sarcasm joke. Our dogs who are our entertainers. And YOU mom, you are the main reason I wanna be at home for a long long loooong time. But now you said that I don’t want to be here? WHY? Because I made those wrong facial expression? I cannot even control it.

About my face, who do you think that I got this face? YOU. Who do you think that I got this attitude? YOU. Who do you think that I got this way of speaking? YOU. I love you, mom, from the bottom of my heart. I told you so many times. On the phone, when we usually ending up our conversation. I love you, that is the reason why I wash the dishes so wouldn’t be mad. I love you, so I do the laundry and you wouldn’t have to do it. I love you, so I go home for every two weeks in my tight schedule. I love you, so I try very hard to not make you worry about my educational problem. I love you so much, that make me cry to write this.

I don’t know when I will show this write to you. I just want you to know that I love you. I am sorry if I changed a lot. People do change, mom, especially a girl like me. I need you to support me in every way, not to judge me. I don’t need orders, I just need great examples. I’m not a little girl anymore; I don’t talk nice every time. My mood is going up and down in seconds, so please understand me. I know I made you cry in many time, but you did too. Do you know that? I guess not. I really love your cares for me, but sometimes I need spaces. I need privacy too. I hurt you, you hurt me too. But I just cannot yell at you or be mad at you, or defend myself, because I know you’ll cry for hearing my words. I’m a sharp talker too mom, just like you. We’re alike, yet so different.
I love you, mom…

Your Daughter.


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