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I'm a mosquito killer.

Heck yeahhhh.
there are lots of mosquitoes here. suck. and.......... HELOOOO READERS! I'm just back from my routines. college and stuffs. And I'm home now. I arrived yesterday and my parents picked me up at the bus terminal. what a long road to go. it took 3 hourssss.. LAME-O.
but now, I pretty satisfied. I'm home, free from college *well, not really actually. i got things to do.*, and I'm going to play all day in two weeks. so.. what should i tell you guys now? hmmm.. okay. my college life. don't be bored.

I passed my orientation day. It held in 5 days. The last 3 days was nice but also boring. but I made new friends there. :)
Just like another college in Indonesia, in the orientation day seniors made us to make weird stuffs like silly hat and a name tag with a book-shaped. and all of those stuffs must be IN BLUE. It's not just blue, but it has to be literature department's BLUE. whatever, i just did it then. we ALL looked silly and geeky that day. we complained, but also had fun together. we found so many high-quality male seniors. yeppp. And i found one for me. LOL. No... I won't put his picture in here. he's private for me. huhu.
what else? mmm... oh, in the last day, we had to make a love letter and hater letter for our senior. So, yeah... I didn't make it seriously, just for fun. I made it with my house mate, bunga. We laughed like in heaven till cried. We laughed because we imagined how funny their *our beloved seniors* faces when they read our letter. LOL. All the words we used are creepy and freak. I thought my letter is freak enough, but I'm wrong. In the last day, the freakiest letter read in front of everyone. I worried to death just in case my letter will be one of them. BUT IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.... :))
okay, the one who really unlucky had to read in front of all the freshman. It's funny but quite embarrassing. Poor her and him..
And the orientation done with a great ending. It's memorable and I *ehmmm..* miss it, to be honest.


My class. It's a fun class. I made friends here, they all accepted me, and gave me a nickname "Bu Dosen". It means "Ms. Lecture". I don't know why, maybe because I'm just as smart as a lecture? LOL. kidding.
But I still wanna find the "match" one, that really going to be my best friend.. It's kinda hard, though.. well, but for the first semester I think I'm gonna enjoy it. :)

My house. Just call it my house. So far so good. Everyone already know each other now and we like to gathering in the living room. gossiping and watching tv. well, not bad at all. I enjoy to live by myself but whatever.. face it, I'm a homesick-type girl. ;P

That's all I can tell you. And song for today post is...

I Hope - FT Island...

I really love those cute young boys *which makes me feel so much older. duh..*. THEY ALL PRETTY!!! :))

enjoy everyone.

love love,



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